Dmitri Shostakovich
Op. 1Scherzo in F♯ minor
Op. 3Theme and Variations in B♭ major
Op. 4Two Fables of Krilov
Op. 5Three Fantastic Dances
Op. 6Suite in F♯ minor
Op. 8Piano Trio No. 1 in C minor
Op. 10Symphony No. 1 in F minor
Op. 11Two Pieces
Op. 12Piano Sonata No. 1
Op. 13Aphorisms, ten pieces
Op. 14Symphony No. 2 in B major To October
Op. 15The Nose, opera
Op. 16Tahiti Trot
Op. 17Two Pieces by Scarlatti
Op. 18Music to the silent film The New Babylon
Op. 19Music to the comedy The Bedbug by Mayakovsky
Op. 20Symphony No. 3 in E♭ major The First of May
Op. 21Six Romances on Texts by Japanese Poets
Op. 22The Golden Age, ballet in three acts
Op. 23Two Pieces for Erwin Dressel's Opera Armer Columbus
Op. 26Music to the film Alone (Odna)
Op. 27The Bolt, ballet in three acts
Op. 28Music to the play Rule, Britannia! by Piotrovsky
Op. 29Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District
Op. 30Music to the film Golden Mountains
Op. 32Music to the play Hamlet by Shakespeare
Op. 33Music to the film Counterplan
Op. 3424 Preludes
Op. 35Piano Concerto No. 1
Op. 36Music to The Tale of the Priest and of his Workman Balda
Op. 37Music to the play The Human Comedy after Balzac
Op. 38Music to the film Love and Hate
Op. 39The Limpid Stream, ballet in three acts
Op. 40Sonata in D minor
Op. 41Music to the film The Youth of Maxim
Op. 42Five Fragments
Op. 43Symphony No. 4 in C minor
Op. 44Music to the play Hail, Spain by Alexander Afinogenov
Op. 45Music to the film The Return of Maxim
Op. 46Four Romances on Verses by Pushkin
Op. 47Symphony No. 5 in D minor
Op. 49String Quartet No. 1 in C major
Op. 50Music to the film The Vyborg Side
Op. 52Music to the film The Great Citizen, first part
Op. 53Music to the film The Man with a Gun
Op. 54Symphony No. 6 in B minor
Op. 55Music to the film The Great Citizen, second part
Op. 56Music to the animated film The Silly Little Mouse
Op. 57Piano Quintet in G minor
Op. 58Orchestration of the Opera Boris Godunov by Mussorgsky
Op. 59Music to the film The Adventures of Korzinkina
Op. 60Symphony No. 7 in C major Leningrad
Op. 61Piano Sonata No. 2 in B minor
Op. 62Six Romances on Verse by English Poets
Op. 63Music to the spectacle Native Country, suite Native Leningrad
Op. 65Symphony No. 8 in C minor
Op. 67Piano Trio No. 2 in E minor
Op. 68String Quartet No. 2 in A Major
Op. 69Children's Notebook, six pieces
Op. 70Symphony No. 9 in E♭ major
Op. 71Music to the film Simple People
Op. 72Two Songs to the spectacle Victorious Spring after Svetlov
Op. 73String Quartet No. 3 in F major
Op. 75Music to the film The Young Guard
Op. 76Music to the film Pirogov
Op. 77Violin Concerto No. 1 in A minor
Op. 78Music to the film Michurin
Op. 79From Jewish Folk Poetry, song cycle
Op. 80Music to the film Encounter at the Elbe
Op. 81Song of the Forests, oratorio after Dolmatovsky
Op. 82Music to the film The Fall of Berlin
Op. 83String Quartet No. 4 in D major
Op. 84Two Romances on Verses by Lermontov
Op. 85Music to the film Belinsky
Op. 86Four Songs to Words by Dolmatovsky
Op. 87Twenty-Four Preludes and Fugues
Op. 88Ten Poems on Texts by Revolutionary Poets
Op. 89Music to the film The Unforgettable Year 1919
Op. 90The Sun Shines on Our Motherland, cantata after Dolmatovsky
Op. 91Four Monologues on Verses by Pushkin
Op. 92String Quartet No. 5 in B♭ major
Op. 93Symphony No. 10 in E minor
Op. 94Concertino in A minor
Op. 95Music to the film Song of the Great Rivers'
Op. 96Festive Overture in A major
Op. 97Music to the film The Gadfly, based on the novel by Voynich
Op. 98Five Romances on Verses by Dolmatovsky
Op. 99Music to the film The First Echelon
Op. 100Spanish Songs
Op. 101String Quartet No. 6 in G major
Op. 102Piano Concerto No. 2 in F major
Op. 103Symphony No. 11 in G minor
Op. 104Cultivation: Two Russian Folk Song Arrangements
Op. 105Moscow, Cheryomushki, operetta in three acts
Op. 106Re-orchestration of Mussorgsky's Opera Khovanshchina
Op. 107Cello Concerto No. 1 in E♭ major
Op. 108String Quartet No. 7 in F♯ minor
Op. 109Satires (Pictures of the Past)
Op. 110String Quartet No. 8 in C minor
Op. 111Music to the film Five Days, Five Nights
Op. 112Symphony No. 12 in D minor
Op. 113Symphony No. 13 in B♭ minor
Op. 114Katerina Izamailova, opera
Op. 115Overture on Russian and Kirghiz Folk Themes
Op. 116Music to the film Hamlet
Op. 117String Quartet No. 9 in E♭ major
Op. 118String Quartet No. 10 in A♭ major
Op. 119The Execution of Stepan Razin, cantata after Yevtushenko
Op. 120Music to the film A Year Is Like a Lifetime
Op. 121Five Romances on Texts from the Magazine Krokodil
Op. 122String Quartet No. 11 in F minor
Op. 123Preface to the Complete Collection of my works…
Op. 124Two Choruses after Davidenko
Op. 125Concerto in A minor for Cello (after Schumann)
Op. 126Cello Concerto No. 2 in G minor
Op. 127Seven Songs on Poems by Alexander Blok
Op. 128Romance "Spring, Spring" to Verses by Pushkin
Op. 129Violin Concerto No. 2 in C♯ minor
Op. 130Funeral-Triumphal Prelude
Op. 131October, symphonic poem in C minor
Op. 132Music to the film Sofiya Perovskaya
Op. 133String Quartet No. 12 in D♭ major
Op. 134Sonata for Violin
Op. 135Symphony No. 14
Op. 136Loyalty, eight ballads after Dolmatovsky
Op. 137Music to the film King Lear
Op. 138String Quartet No. 13 in B♭ minor
Op. 139March of the Soviet Militia
Op. 140Six Romances on Verses by English Poets
Op. 141Symphony No. 15 in A major
Op. 142String Quartet No. 14 in F♯ major
Op. 143Six Poems by Marina Tsvetayeva
Op. 144String Quartet No. 15 in E♭ minor
Op. 145Suite on Verses by Michelangelo Buonarroti
Op. 146Four Verses of Captain Lebyadkin to texts by Dostoevsky
Op. 147Sonata for Viola
___Suite for Variety Orchestra
___Waltz No. 2
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